A Invite

I wanted to invite everyone to what was our very first site.

Now it is not about Forex but maybe you will find it interesting…lol

Some times you just have to step away and have some fun!

So please stop by here and say hello!

Happy trading


PS remember sharing is caring!   lol

Jeff aka doobiedoright sets the record straight…….

As many of you know I was really excited about the release of the option bot 2 and was wandering around Google to see what others were saying.

Well I came across this lady saying she thought it was a rip off because she didn’t make any money she lost.  She went on to say that she was sitting there and watching and it never made any trade at all.

I was stunned…………she really thought it did 100% of the work and all she had to do was sit there.  Well even though I prefer to be on the other side of the camera,I decided to put up a rebuttal…   So you guys will get to see doobiedoright in the flesh……….hide the critters and kids!

While we are making Money….

I ran across a few items that can make you some extra money to trade with.

You can pick them both up for less than $10.00

Now listen to me a minute…..we all know we don’t win every trade and that some times it seems your luck has left you.

That  is why I picked these very simple programs up so even when I do have a bad day trading ,I still have a smile on my face cause these two little beauties constantly ring the bell over on my PayPal account.

I guess that’s the almost 25 years of marriage in me , but I just hate disappointing my beautiful wife Julie.

Now these little guys will not make you a big pile of money as the option bot does  but they do average $135.00 a piece a day so even on a bad day I still earn way more cash than I would doing a 9-5!

That is why I considered 10 bucs a great investment and hey if I could not afford  measly 10 bucs then clearly I am in the wrong business.

I believe you too will find it a wise choice.

The first of these is $5 dollar Magic Money and you can go check it out here

The second one is PayPal booster  and it most certainly does that .You can grab it here.


So make sure you pick those up to cover your you know what

And I will see you soon with more unique info!

Have a awesome day  doobiedoright


Well OptionBot 2.0 is proving to be exceptionally popular!

In just 48 hours, buying Option Bot will no longer give you discounted access to one of the best home trading webinars ever put together

We would hope you have all ready secured your free trial and well om your way to eliminating your finical worries.

We just can not stress it enough…..Option Bot 2.0 is the most revolutionary product to hit the binary options market!

Sure you’ll still be able to get the best piece of trading software ever developed to help you win more trades, but do you really want to let the opportunity pass you by where you can be coached live, first hand by a trading expert to show you how the pro’s do it?

I didn’t think so.

So rush on over and get your self one..http://sleepingbe.optionbot.hop.clickbank.net


The big Day!!!!!!!!!

Hey Gang Doobie here.

Well tomorrow is the big day. The all new Option Bot 2.0 launch is tomorrow.

These guys are even running a special on help available to learn how to use the bot!

This is unreal
Check the video of over $781 being made in just 19 minutes.
Making Money and Trading Currency has NEVER been this easy.
They are currently offering the software at a special launch price of $117 with a one week trading webinar worth over $3000 available FREE to one lucky buyer, will this be you?
There’s only one way to find out
We hope you are as excited for the launch as we are!   Hope to hear how well you are doing with the new bot!

Option Bot 2.0 is set to launch in a few Days!

Hey gang just wanted to share part of the E-mail I just received….

For those of you that don’t know who we are, we’re Keith and Gary from ERA Media Online, we’re arguably the most influential binary options affiliates in the industry.  

Our products are often immitated but never beaten and we’ve been a contributing factor the success of some of the largest spot option binary brands out there. 

So why am I telling you this?

Pretty exciting right?

We hope you are one of the first 100 who get to try it for free!

I also wanted to leave you this incredible offers I ran across.


Did you know Large corps will pay you cash just to upload their videos to YouTube?
Well it is true and will be the easiest Money you can make online!


Ps here are 2 bonus money making deals for you to check out

Here http://silverfoxleadfactory.com/cp6.php?id=4882

Here http://dailycashwebinar.com/doobiedoright

Have a great day and take action on your future!


Tomorrow is the day!

Tomorrow is the day folks..the new Option Bot 2.0 pre launch is tomorrow.

Will you be one of the first 100 to use it for free for 7 full days?

How much cash can you generate in 7 full days?  Maybe pay for a cruise for you and yours!

Hurry over to Js

I am gonna give you guys a day early bonus!!!!!

Hello everyone  Today Only 7 Day Free Trial – 12k a week software

Doobiedoright  here and I am gonna let you guys take a sneak peak at the Monday morning release that is going out.

Now I might get in trouble but you guys are worth it to me! So here it is….

I’ve got an exclusive 7 day free trial offer for the much awaited 2.0 update of Option Bot. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 8 months, Option Bot 1.0 was launched on October 8th 2012 and it was the worlds first binary options indicator for currency pairs.The software made a huge impact, and there were success stories from users that had traded as little as $10 in to over $12,000 in just 1 week.

Wow the new Option Bot 2.0 is gonna be huge! It will be able to be used my most platforms out there today including most smart phones!

And you get to try it for free for 7 whole days! How much can you make in those 7 days?

Well, this time next week Optionbot 2.0 will be made available to the public, I’m not sure when or how much it’s going to cost yet, but today and today only you can grab yourself a 7 trial of the software ABSOLUTELY FREE
The old OptionBot was previously only available as a download on Windows PC, but this new and improved 2.0 update allows users to access the software on Mac, PC, Tablet and Smart Phone.
Not only that, but it’s more customization  has tons more features and there’s now even live chat support, welcome telephone calls and weekly trading webinars included in their package

You just have to get this new Option Bot 2.0 if you really want to change your life!
So go to the site now, there are only 100 copies available so make sure you don’t miss out.

Don’t forget you can also go to Js option bot for easy trading from home to watch how it works and get more info but you have to hurry they are only allowing 100 people to try it for free!